Thursday, October 31, 2019

Classical Mythology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Classical Mythology - Research Paper Example .., University of..., [Address] Contact: Abstract The present essay deals with various modes of portrayal of the character of Ancient Greek goddess, Aphrodite, in belles-lettres (fiction) in the course of progressive development of literature. It will be argued that the changes in perception of Aphrodite’s image have been connected with the gradual shifts from mythological through religious to modern philosophical outlook, and that in different epochs the character of Aphrodite was used to convey radically different discursive meanings. Keywords: history of literature, mythology, Ancient literature The Portrayal of Aphrodite in Literary Works since the Ancient Times till Post-Modernity Introduction There exist different interpretations of myths in the context of literary works, with Ruthven (1976) presenting an especially coherent view of the various aspects of myth in literature. The purpose of the present study will be to provide a complex analysis of changes in representati on of Aphrodite, the Ancient Greek goddess of love, sexuality and beauty, in literature. The temporal boundaries of the study extend all across the historical spectrum, with the representations of Aphrodite in Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque literature being expounded and compared. Consequently, the main body of the essay will be constructed in accordance with chronological order. The main purpose of the present study is to show the connection between evolution in perception of Aphrodite as a literary character and the changes in general outlook of writers, and the larger society as well. Therefore it should be noted that in order to understand the image of Aphrodite the connection between literature, mythology and religion needs to be assumed. Interpretation of the Image of Aphrodite in Ancient Literature The perception of character of Aphrodite in the period of antiquity was invariably tied to the mythological and broadly religious attributes and functions, which were a ssociated with this goddess. The very tale of her birth was closely connected with the concept of primal, chthonic powers that symbolized the notion of life force. For instance, according to Hesiod (Theog., 189-206), Aphrodite was born out of the seed of Uranus, when the latter was gelded by his son, Cronus, in a bid for power. When the seed of Uranus fell into the sea, it came into contact with the primal force of the Earth and from this Aphrodite was born. Her traditional epithet, Anadyomene (â€Å"the one rising from the sea†), indicates that the connection between the concepts of primal life force and carnal love among humans was keenly felt by the Ancient Greeks of Hesiodean period. The association between the image of Aphrodite and the concept of primal life force in Hesiodean theogony is further substantiated by Hesiod’s mentioning that the Erynies and Gigantes were born at the same time as Aphrodite, albeit out of Uranus’s blood, not seed. This would mea n that initially Aphrodite was viewed as one of the oldest powers in the universum, rather than a mere progeny of Zeus. Further traces of archaic vision of Aphrodite’s nature and powers are enhanced by Hesiod’s mention of Aphrodite’s connection with Erotos, initially an ancient deity spawned by Chaos (Theog., 116). Erotos is later mentioned as a progeny of Aphrodite (Theog., 934), finally being depicted as a child-like god of love, rather than a potent chthonic entity. This reading of the image of Aphr

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Zoning and Eminent Domain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Zoning and Eminent Domain - Research Paper Example These exclusive rights seen to be enjoyed by individual property owners are bestowed on them by the local or regional governing body. The governing bodies like municipalities, local, state and federal governments are responsible for allocating, issuing private property ownership documents and authorizing the uses of such properties. The most valuable private property is land, which acts as the harbor for other properties like water and air. While private property remains an individual’s domain to exercise their use, it is within the powers of the governing bodies that allocate the private properties’ ownership and use to regulate the excesses of utilization of the property. It is also within the governing bodies’ power to give or take away the ownership albeit in a legal manner that can prove the eligibility and legality of the exercise. Differences between Zoning and Eminent Domain Zoning and eminent domain are two procedures that pertain to private property ownership and use contained within the powers of the private property owner and the governing body. The two processes signify the shift of exclusive powers of ownership and use of private property from the individual to the governing bodies. However, the two processes differ. Zoning is a process used to show the extent of governing bodies’ exclusive powers on private property use while eminent domain shows the governing bodies’ extent use of its powers on private property ownership.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Mining Industry Composite Performance Framework

Mining Industry Composite Performance Framework The objective of this research dissertation is to provide useful and well-researched data as well as a substantial volume of heuristic information to develop a framework that will assist change managers to effectively apply and implement change in the mining and related industries. Chapter 2 introduces the research framework, research assumptions and the use and justification of case study methodologies. 5.2 Research framework. This chapter will state the research assumptions and the methodologies used in this research. Case studies as a methodology will be considered and justified. This research has embraced a qualitative phenomenological paradigm or an approach that concentrates on the study of consciousness and the objects of direct experience. This was undertaken by using case studies together with this researchers heuristic experience. Ontology is the philosophical field around (the study of) the nature of reality (all that is or exists, the reality), and the different entities and categories within reality. Epistemology is the philosophical field around (the study of) knowledge and how to reach it. One might say that it includes the ontology of knowledge. The difference between oncology and epistemology is that ontology is what reality actually is, whilst epistemology is what we perceive and describe reality to be. By making use of case studies both the ontological as well as the epistemological assumptions are fulfilled. It is the experience of this researcher that by having an articulated vision for change, team members can prepare themselves for accepting the change as well as understanding and accepting their involvement and contribution to future change. Well-managed change is the continuum to success. The new direction and vision must be defined in clear concise terms, to allow everyone concerned to be able to accept and even look forward to the change. All levels within the organisation should have an input relevant to their experience; this creates a sense of ownership. In fact, all employees should be encouraged to provide their input. The two paradigms generally used for research are quantitative and qualitative research. The available literature on change management relating to the mining and associated industries is limited. Qualitative research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. The quantitative research was not deemed suitable for this research because statistical measurement of outcomes were not deemed suitable, since the only measure would have been fiscal in nature and not suitable for publication. Qualitative research is also used to reveal trends in thought and opinions, and delve deeper into the problem. Qualitative data collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some common methods include teams (team information dissemination meetings), individual interviews, and observation s. This researcher has used qualitative data for the case studies in order to demonstrate a practical clear and unbiased approach to implementing change management into the mining industry. Quantitative research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating data that can be transformed into useable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviours, and other defined variables and generalise results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. The first part of this section provides an overview of the case study methodology, and this is followed by a justification for the use of the case studies as the research method for this research. Case study research brings us to an understanding of a complex issue or range of issues and can add substance to what is already known through previous research. For some years, researchers have made use of the case study research method, across a variety of disciplines. Scientists, have made wide use of this qualitative research method to examine current real-life circumstances and provide the basis for the claim of ideas and extension of methods. The well-known researcher Robert K. Yin defines the case study research method as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used (Yin, 1984, p. 23). Case study research, through reports of past studies, or even diary notes as is the case in this dissertation, demonstrates the identification, resolution and implementation of solutions to problems and issues. It can be a reliable research methodology if utilised correctly. A reason for the acceptance of case study as a research method, is that researchers in general, were becoming more anxious about the confines of quantitative methods in providing holistic and in-depth explanations of the social and behavioural problems in question. By using case study methods, a researcher is able to go beyond the quantitative statistical results and understand the behavioural conditions. By including both quantitative and qualitative data, the case study will help to explain both the process and outcome of a phenomenon through complete observation, reconstruction and analysis of the cases under investigation (Tellis, 1997). Past literature reveals the application of the case study method in many areas and disciplines. Among them include natural examples in the fields of Sociology (Grassel Schirmer, 2006), law (Lovell, 2006) and medicine (Taylor Berridge, 2006). There are also other areas that have used case study methods widely, particularly in government, management and in education. As an example, there were studies conducted to determine whether specific government programmes were efficient or whether the goals of a particular programme were reached. In many cases, a case study method selects a small geographical area or a very limited number of individuals as the subjects of study. Case studies, in their true essence, explore and case study as a research method to investigate contemporary real-life situation through detailed relative analysis. Yin (1984:23) defines the case study research method as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used. Case studies observe the specific data at the minute stages. In this research, the researcher has consulted to numerous mining companies whilst implementing change within their organisations. During these projects this researcher kept diary notes for future reference. Strategies were used that were successful in previous projects that were similar, and the culmination of the total of these is what gave rise to the CPF. Where implementation of an objective did not go according to plan, the execution methodologies were reworked to suit the particular needs of that company. The research design is more than a work standard plan. The main purpose of the design is to help to avoid the situation in which the evidence does not address the initial research questions. In this sense, a research design deals with a logical problem and not a logistical problem. As a simple example, suppose you want to study a single organisation. The research questions, however, have to do with the mining organisations relationships with other organisations or divisions as well as their competitive or collaborative nature. Only three cases studies were adopted for this dissertation in order to show that the CPF can work in varied environments, in different countries with success. In these case studies a sample of mining operations were taken from a broad spectrum of mines, countries and stages of development as detailed in section 5.6. The objective of this research is to identify issues within the greater mining industry and then offer plausible and workable solutions to implementing change in the industry that will be sustainable, and facilitate productivity in the process. Much of the solutions are derived from this researchers own experience in implementing change in mining companies. There is a gap in the literature with regard to what has been researched in this dissertation, and this dissertation will partially fill that gap. This researcher is of the considered opinion that the Composite Performance Framework which he developed over many years is far more suited and adaptable to the mining industry. It is correct to assume that the Kotter 8 step process will work well in many situations, as can be seen above. References Kotter, J. (1996). Leading Change. [Kindle Edition]. Retrieved from Larkin, DJ. Larkin S. (2006). 3rd edn. Communicating big change. Larkin communication consulting. Larkin, DJ. Larkin S. (Unspecified date). Communicating change to employees, Sponsored by:ÂÂ   the Australian human resources institute Larkin, DJ. (Dr.) Larkin S.(2006) Communicating Big Change. Larkin Communication Consulting. 3rd Edn. Wood, I. Maxwell, J.M. 2006. 22. John Wiley Sons. Australia. 1st Austr Wood, Zeffane, Fromholtz, Fitzgerald, Schermerhorn, JR. Hunt, JG. Osborn, RN. (2006). Organisational behaviour; core concepts applications. John Wiley sons. Australia. Yin, R.K. (1984). Case study research: Design and methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Tellis, Winston, (1997). Introduction to Case Study. The Qualitative Report, Volume 3, Number 2, July. ( Lovell, G.I., (2006). Justice Excused: The Deployment Of Law In Everyday Political Encounters. Law Society Review, 40 (2): 283-324 June.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay on Dream Deferred in Song of Solomon -- Song Solomon essays

The American Dream Deferred in Song of Solomon      Ã‚   Beginning with the first African American literary works through the more recent successes such as Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon the topic of literacy is almost inextricably connected to freedom and power. A closer investigation, however, leads the reader to another, less direct, message indicating that perhaps this belief in literacy as a pathway to the "American Dream" of freedom and social and financial success is contradictory or, at least, insufficient in social and cultural terms. In this way, African American literature reconstructs the "American Dream" into an even more complex "dream deferred."    Toni Morrison deconstructs the "American Dream" and the "literacy myth" in The Song of Solomon by deriding formal education and literacy while emphasizing oral family history. A most blatant ridicule of formal education comes to the reader in the story of First Corinthians Dead, the only character in the novel to attend college. First Corinthians finds that education made her "a little too elegant" (188), and that "Bryn Mawr had done what a four-year dose of liberal education was designed to do: unfit her for eighty percent of the useful work of the world," (189). At forty-two, First Corinthians is untrained, unmarried and unfulfilled, thanks to her college education.    Milkman, on the other hand, is not sent to college and is ultimately educated by the oral family history revealed by Pilate and the townspeople of Shalimar, Virginia. Milkman's freedom comes only after he breaks the chains of the "American Dream" myth his father is slave to and seeks out his history, his culture, and his identity.    Milkman's father, Macon Dead II, is certain that... ...eedom, independence and equality built on the successful negotiation of not just illiteracy, but of a history of social and cultural denial. Such is the nature of the dream deferred.    WORKS CITED Bloom, Harold, ed. Modern Critical Views: Toni Morrison. New York: Chelsea House Publishing, 1990. Graff, Harvey J. The Literacy Myth: Literacy and Social Structure in the Nineteenth-Century City. New York: Academic Press, 1979. McKay, Nellie, editor, Critical Essays on Toni Morrison, G.K. Hall, 1988. Morrison, Toni. Song of Solomon. New York: The Penguin Group, 1977. Sapphire. Push. New York: Vintage Contemporaries, 1996. Peterson, Nancy J. Toni Morrison: Critical and Theoretical Approaches. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. Rice, Herbert William. Toni Morrison and the American Tradition: A Rhetorical Reading. New York: P. Lang, 1996.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Emperor’s New Clothes

The Emperor's New Clothes There lived a man; he should still be alive now, yet one would like to think that he had grown up a little. He fancied himself the ‘It Boy' of Western Super- Mare, he was the guy in the latest fashion, up to date hairdo's and always had this months Vanity Fair tucked under one arm. The fact that he was almost 38 and still lived in his parents three bedroomed semi-detached did not seem to deter him. Being a man of simple pleasures, and having never had the intuition to actually move into a place of his own and get a career, his daily routine had not changed much over the past twenty years. No later than 8.30am every morning, his doting and somewhat downtrodden mother would creep into his bedroom, careful not to wake the mountain of a son who lay snoring like a pig in his bed. She would place his plate of sausage sandwiches next to his bedside and then quietly leave closing the door gently behind her. At precisely 8.40am, he would take one last grotesque snore and then emerge from his top bunk, and haul his not so svelte figure down the two foot ladder that leant against the side, which screamed in distress every step he made in his descent. With one foul swoop his great hairy hand would shovel sausage sandwiches into his gawping mouth, two at a time. He would then make his way to the bathroom, where he spent about two thirds of his life. Who would have thought that a bathroom barely capable of fitting in a bathtub, wash basin and toilet, could hold the many different cheap brands of beauty products that he had acquired over the years? Two and half-hours later and he is all ready. † The better a man looks, the better a man is† He would bellow after flushing the toilet and bursting out of the bathroom with a quiff that no Elvis impersonator could compare to. He had a lengthy beauty regime that was absolutely vital that he stuck to. How else was he going to pass off being the most vain person in the whole of Western Super-Mare's history? One gets the impression that some of the hair that once belonged on the crown of his head had quietly crept to join the vast amount of hair that covered the rest of his body. As most middle-aged men do, he himself had acquired a rather prominent bald patch. This baldness did bother his small mind. But not enough so that he did not take ultimate pride in every other inch of himself. After bathroom time, it was dressing up time. To say that he took an interest in fashion would be a laughable understatement. His desperately small bedroom was not somewhere one could kick back and relax, purely due to the lack of space. He did have a lot of clothes, even the odd sarong and kilt. If someone famous had once worn it, or been seen in it, he would have it, or so he liked to make out. Expense simply does not matter when you are not paying for anybody but your conceited self. Rumour about the town was that he surely must have had ‘Superior Being' tattooed behind his ear, like the ‘666' in the Omen, but this guy was real. Once kitted out in an outfit that was about as un-flattering as he could possibly piece together, ‘Its next season darling, anybody can see that' he would sneer to anybody who dared to scoff at him. After blowing air kisses to his mother and father, he would head off to the seafront. When on the bus, he would lay out a designer tissue on which to perch his bottom on, and cross his legs curtly. One may imagine that seeing a middle aged bald man with the ghastliest fake tan and atrocious dress sense and perspiration problem, would be a humorous thing, but the locals were completely used to him, and paid him no attention whatsoever. In the city he would flounce around seemingly aimless, peering in at the most expensive shops and throwing lesser beings nasty looks. Then, he would go to his favourite cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, a low key seaside affair, that his Great Aunt happened to own. Here, he could get free coffee and cream cakes. This was a privilege he had been abusing ungratefully for as long as his great aunt could remember. He was definately not one to say no to something free (as his unlucky relative had realised). This was his critical downfall. It was a day like any other in the cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, when he was approached by a young woman complete with fake breasts, a fake smile, and an incredible amount of orange makeup on, a saleswoman. He glanced her up and down, his eyes did not stumble upon an expensive lable, therefore he returned to his article without bothering to utter a word. ‘Sir, sorry to disturb you, as you look like a very busy man†¦' At which point, his Aunt spluttered in the background. She continued, ‘My company are the newest in follicle technology, we deal in complicated science procedures, to bring men like yourself back smiling, with a full head of hair' Which was then her queue to throw him a dazzling smile with gleaming eyes. Luckily, she had his attention. â€Å"Men†¦like myself?' He growled ferociously, spraying her with saliva. The woman's smile did not crack. â€Å"I think it may interest you to know that we have a full waiting list of celebrities desperate to get their hands on this amazing product, I chose you, because you look like a person who knows what they want. And we are prepared to give you the full course, absolutely one hundred percent free!' There was a pause. Inside his head, cogs were turning slowly. Celebrities. Desperate. Free! He took a deep breath in, stood up proudly, his nose in the air and slammed his great hairy fist down on the table smashing four empty mugs and declared, ‘I'll do it' Quick as a flash, his details were down on paper and he carry on with his coffee, smug, with the prospect of a full head of hair. A month or so later, at 8.30am a parcel arrived next to his sausage sandwiches. At first sighting, the grown man inside of him let out a high pitched squeak of excitement. He dropped to his knees like an eager child, tearing away the packaging in glee. Minutes later, sat amdist a sea of bubble wrap, he cradling his new elixir. ‘Follicle SOS hair rejuvenator with added vitamins' He gasped in awe at this magical product and once again felt smugly aware that he had been hand picked to use it. After studying the instructions, here began the treatment. This is not the kind of treatment he had in mind though. One must bear in mind, that his peers were not very fond of him. Every day he applied the ‘magical' cream, and every night, he checked his bald spot for improvement. No such luck. In fact, he wasn't entirely sure, but it looked like his hair was getting sparser. After three weeks of applying the cream, he was not a happy customer. He had even stopped going out to the seafront for his regular coffee and cream cakes. For not only had his bald spot stayed bald, but to his horror it had increased in size. He rang the helpline. Sitting there in his mother's favourite chair, on hold, for most of an hour. Until the same lady who he had spoken to before answered. A whole string of violent abuse later, the woman replied, ‘The treatment has to get rid of the original hair, in order to work on the head as a whole, and produce shiny healthy looking locks. Because you sir, are worth it' She purred. Nothing like a cheap compliment to dampen his rage. So, religiously, he carried on applying it. Until the final day came, when he awoke one morning completely, outrageously bald, not to mention shiny. Alongside his sausage sandwich was a small letter. He opened it happily, ‘Popular as ever' he thought. Inside the letter, was a note written by hand. It read; ‘Have you never read the story about the Emperor and his new clothes? Oh, he and his bald head of Western Super-Mare†¦ Vanity is a highly un-attractive quality. Consider the lesson taught' On the back of the note, were the signatures of every person in his neighbourhood. Hands shaking, he laid down the note gently. Promptly strolled downstairs, leaving his sausage sandwiches behind, picked up the yellow pages and looked up, designer toupees.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jesus Christ Essay

Hate is one of the human’s feelings. It is a complex subject to study its reasons, causes and consequences. Broadly saying hate in this or that manifestation is one of the reasons of the majority of the violent crimes. Hate is used as an ideological background for a number of violent acts ranging from the street and terrorist attacks to full scale wars. Hate may be either justified in this or that way or it may be impulsive, based on the race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin. In the first case when the hate is caused by the unjust treatment it may be defined as rational, in the second one it is irrational (John R. Schafer, MA and Joe Navarro, MA, 2003). One of the most significant examples of the hate group is Aryan Nations. Aryan Nations is a typical hate organization promoting the white race supremacy. It is the political arm of the †White Identity Church of Jesus Christ-Christian,† long led by Richard Butler. The movement promotes the heresy known as †Christian Identity. † (Apologetics Index, 2006). The ideological background of the Aryan Nations is anti-Semitism. Paramilitary hate group Aryan Nations was founded in the mid-1970s by Rev. Richard Girnt Butler, now 77 years old. It was formed around Butler’s Church of Jesus Christ Christian, one of the several hundred churches affiliated with â€Å"Identity,† a pseudo-theological hate movement. Identity doctrine maintains that Anglo-Saxons, not Jews, are the Biblical â€Å"chosen people,† that non-whites are â€Å"mud people† on the level of animals, and that Jews are â€Å"children of Satan. † (The Nizkor Project, 2006). The anti-Semitism has been of the main hate ideologies since the biblical times. It was utilized by the worst human hating regimes, the most vivid examples of which were the Fascist regimes in Germany and Italy. The anti-Semitism doctrine as an ideology compromised itself in the 20th century. Aryan Nations militantly advocates anti-Semitism and the establishment of a white racist state. A statement of beliefs on the Aryan Nations Web site declares: â€Å"The Jew is like a destroying virus that attacks our racial body to destroy our Aryan culture and purity of our race. Those of our Race who resist these attacks are called ‘chosen and faithful. ‘† (Aryan Nations/Church of Jesus Christ Christian, 2006). In their â€Å"Declaration of Independence† the ideologists of the Aryan Nations declare threat to the white Americans from the federal government which pursues the interests of the Jewish rulers. The ideologists of the Aryan Nations state that only the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Teutonic, Scandinavian, Celtic peoples are the descendants of biblical Adam and the rest are the descendants of Cain and they are the results of the Eve’s original sin. The Aryan Nations leaders identify the Jews as the main threat to the white race. This movement could be considered as political and a religious movement. This is one of the causes of the extreme danger of Aryan Nations. Violence is declared by the leaders of the group. The motto of the group as indicated in its web site is â€Å"Violence Solves Everything! †. Still the original biblical part of the ideology of the Aryan Nation has been completely confused because the calls for violence became the dominating ones. The ideologies of Aryan Nations declaring their Christian origin try to support their violent call with the Muslim militant motto â€Å"Allahu Akbar! † (http://www. aryan-nations. org/) thus bringing complete confusion into their ideological basis. According to Aryan Nations â€Å"That VIOLENCE â€Å"IS† THE ONLY SOLUTION! You can no longer look toward local, state or federal law enforcement authorities to protect you, your families or your interests from these invaders† (Aryan Nations web site, 2006). The â€Å"Christian† identity of Aryan Nations was expressed by the leader of the group August Kreis in his comments on the 9/11 attacks and his attitude towards Al-Qaeda, â€Å"†You say they’re terrorists, I say they’re freedom fighters. And I want to instill the same jihadic feeling in our peoples’ heart, in the Aryan race, that they have for their father, who they call Allah. † (Henry Schuster, March 29, 2005). Such sayings put off the religious part from the Aryan Nations ideology leaving the extremist one. Terror unites the â€Å"proponents† of some special â€Å"violent† Christianity and Mohammedanism. In fact the only things which may unite both groups are the hate, extremism and terror which they share as basic of their ideologies. In fact, Aryan Nations have a lot of common features with the extremist Muslim groups. They share the same anti-Semitism, they accept the same terror methods and they lack any constructive ideology. They both base their activity on the hate which is destructive in its nature. The numerous hate groups whose ideologies are based on the irrational hatred can hardly find any serious political support in such democratic and a multinational country as the United States. As for the connections of the hate groups with the Muslim extremists, they are not new. During the WWII the leader of the German Nazis Adolph Hitler tried to find the connections with the Muslim extremists. Moreover, some Nazis found refuge in Egypt and Syria after WWII. At the same time it is too early to speak about the real alliance between Neo-Nazis and Muslim extremists. Most likely the leaders of Aryan Nations express their desire to create such an alliance and it proves the ultimate danger of the group. â€Å"Mark Potok, of the Southern Poverty Law Center, said that while some U. S. extremists applauded the September 11 attacks, there is no indication of such an alliance — at least not yet, and not on a large scale. If it exists anywhere, he said, it is in the mind (and the Internet postings) of August Kreis. † (Henry Schuster, 2005). At the same time the Aryan Nations desire to link to the most dangerous terrorist organization confirms the fact that Aryan Nations may become the serious threat to the national security of the United States. Bibliography John R. Schafer, MA and Joe Navarro, MA, The seven-stage hate model: The psychopathology of hate groups, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin/March 1, 2003, available at http://www. rickross. com/reference/hate_groups/hategroups355. html, retrieved 06. 12. 2006